Get inspired by Crochet Designer Maya Luna Corazon

I’m super excited to share with you an interview with this amazing crochet designer, Maya Luna Corazon. She has some of the most exquisite crochet designs you’ve ever seen, and is such an incredible human being!

I’ve been a fan of Maya ever since I started my crochet journey, and have made so many of her beautiful patterns. There’s so much to learn from her style of patterns, and tutorials on YouTube. Thanks to her I learned some of the foundations to made to measure clothing, which inspired me to design my very own crochet patterns and clothing.

Here’s one of Maya’s designs that I’ve made, the best made to measure shorts pattern I’ve found, which were so much fun to make.

Maya Luna Corazon has been one of my biggest inspirations. I love how she shares so authentically, and generously encourages her community to reach for their dreams – she is a such a guiding light! Her recent video sharing her YouTube journey is a must watch, and it really reminded me to create out of enjoyment, and not so much for the numbers.

Maya is also very kind to be sharing free patterns over on YouTube. You should definitely check them out.

I sent Maya a range of questions I was super curious to dive into, and I’m grateful she was so open and honest. Let’s get into it!

Maya Luna Corazon Interview

Q: How did you first step into the world of crochet?

A: My crochet journey began when I was just 7 years old at the temple school in Thailand. It was an incredible place where children learned various skills, including crochet, meditation, yoga, and permaculture.

Q: Can you share with us a crochet creation that’s especially close to your heart?

A: Choosing a favourite among my creations is challenging, but if I had to pick one, it would be the Flower of Life halter top (below). It was a delightful journey to bring this vision to life, inspired by a painting my partner had created.

Flower of Life Halter Top

Q: What’s the most significant challenge you’ve faced in your crochet journey?

A: My biggest challenge is often myself. With so many ideas and not just in crochet but also with my business, it can be overwhelming. I’ve found that spending time alone in nature helps me regain balance and brings back a smile to my face.

Q: Where do you draw inspiration for your craft?

A: I find inspiration from watching crochet vlogs on YouTube and from artists who use their creations to convey unique messages. For me, creating with joy is always the primary goal, even though I enjoy making a living from my craft.

Q: In your opinion, what’s the most important aspect of the crochet community?

A: Support and collaboration are vital in our crochet community. However, I’ve also experienced the trap of comparison, where I feel like I should be doing more. It’s essential to remember that every crochet journey is unique, and the true essence lies in doing what you love, not chasing likes or followers.

Q: Can you give us a glimpse into your future plans?

A: I have some exciting plans ahead. I’m set to launch my own yarn company in Thailand next year, and I’ll be sharing a wealth of free video tutorials on my channel. This will include behind-the-scenes insights into my business and the crocheting process with my community.

Thank you Maya! Maya Luna Corazon’s interview is a testament to the joy of creation, the significance of balance, and the importance of staying true to your passion in the crochet world. Her story is an inspiration to both seasoned crocheters and newcomers.

Find Maya Luna Corazon

Instagram: @mayalunacorazon

YouTube: @MayaLunaCorazon

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